What is LifeLine Technique
Many people ask me what is Lifeline Technique. They often associate it with Crisis Support Suicide Prevention. The Lifeline Technique was...
Happy Mother's day
I want to acknowledge all the mums in the world. It is a toughest job in the world but also the most inspiring and creative. Being mum...
7 strategies to help to manage the stress
What is stress and how it is affects you. Stress occurs when there is an imbalance between demands made upon us and our ability to cope...
Happy Balance Health Holiday Wishes
Hello... The holiday season is here and it's that time of the year where family and friends come together to celebrate their love for...
The Scientific Guide on How to Get & Stay Motivated.
Scientists define motivation as your general willingness to do something. It is the set of psychological forces that compel you to take...
Top 7 Reasons Why People Will See A Kinesiologist, benefits of Kinesiology Treatment
Kinesiology is relatively a “young” therapy, and there are lots of people I came across in the last 16 years of practicing as a...
Dry Needling V's Acupuncture
Dry Needling is really helpful when treating a large area of muscle tension and acute pain. When patients who are sensitive to touch and...